Preconception and Pregnancy Care at Compass Chiropractic
One of the greatest gifts you can give to your future children is to prepare and take care of your body before conceiving. The eggs that will become your babies are being influenced up to 100 days before conception. Making healthy choices now will have a direct impact on your baby's health!
We are privileged to care for women who are struggling with fertility, those who are having a difficult time becoming pregnant on their own, or those who have experienced loss. Our incredible care can help balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, and aid in processing emotions. We know that the journey towards motherhood is not always like you pictured it being. We want to walk along-side you in all of the highs and especially the lows that come while you walk this road!
Pregnancy care at Compass is one of our greatest joys; being chosen as part of a family’s village is something we do not take lightly!
Our gentle care enables moms to overcome common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, hip + lower back pain, round ligament pain, sciatica, and heartburn. The list goes on, and we are here for every step and every symptom along the way to ensure that moms have as comfortable and empowering of a pregnancy as possible.
Birth is intense, and we’re here to support moms through one of the biggest transitions the human body is capable of! We recommend that both mom and baby come in as soon as possible after birth so that we can kickstart their healing and recovery.
For mom, we work to reestablish hormonal balance, and allow the spine and pelvis to return to their pre-pregnancy state. Sleep is often in short supply during the postpartum period, regular chiropractic adjustments can help moms sleep better and have more energy. Chiropractic also helps her body adapt and respond to new stressors, tensions, and experiences as she learns to mother her newborn.
Bringing your baby in after birth will set up their body for success and help them along to a healthy future! Chiropractic care has SO many benefits for newborns.