Stories from the office


Liam’s parents brought him to Compass at two days old – his mom received such good care and incredible results for herself during pregnancy, and they wanted to ensure that their little one was able to start life out clear and connected! Thanks to chiropractic, Liam is rarely ever sick, has never had constipation issues, and is hitting his milestones with no issue! He is happy, healthy, and developing incredibly well thanks to his care at Compass.


Dawn struggled with vertigo for an extended amount of time; she was also hindered from enjoying daily life and her hobbies by intense arm pain. Thanks to her care at Compass, her vertigo has disappeared and her arm pain has decreased so significantly, she feels like a new person. She is, once again, able to do the things she loves!



Brady regularly dealt with anxiety and fatigue – he often faced each day with uncertainty of how he would be feeling. Thanks to his care at Compass, he found more energy, is able to process things more easily, and feels like he can adapt to stressful or anxiety-inducing situations in a much better manner!

He said, “I appreciate the relationship the staff has with everyone at Compass – they’re all so friendly, they know everyone’s names, and truly care about each of us! It’s an encouraging thing to know that their passion is to help and be there for people.”



Since beginning care at Compass, Linden’s parents have seen their adventurous, curious, and a little bit wild 4-year-old start to manage emotions and conquer change with better control! Where tantrums and big emotions used to take over, he now can regulate and contemplate. In what used to be chaos, he is able to step back and control.

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Because of regular adjustments, Kendra’s body has been able to overcome and adapt to all forms of stress in ways that she did not think was possible without medication. She can tell that her body heals faster when she does experience sickness or injury. She feels all around better on a daily basis!